Monday, January 27, 2020

Carl Jungs Analytical Psychology Theory

Carl Jungs Analytical Psychology Theory Introduction Carl Jung was born in a small Swiss village, Kessewil, on July 26, 1875. His father was a minister and his extended family in whose midst he grew up had quite a few clergy men. He went to boarding school and was mostly a loner, who did not enjoy schooling much and initially wanted to go into the field of archaeology after which he decided on medicine at the University of Basel, Switzerland (Storr, 1983). Jung had many dreams, visions and fantasies that he carefully recorded. He was also an expert in many mythological and mystical traditions like Gnosticism, Kabala, Alchemy and Buddhism. All of these contributed increasingly to his views and theories that were developed in later years. Jungs career path and his personality theory were influenced by many of his early experiences. After completing his medical degree from the University of Basel, he began his career at the University of Zurich in 1900. His doctoral thesis on Psychology and Occult phenomenon was heavily influenced by his years of work at the Zurich insane asylum. Jungs interest in parapsychology is clearly illustrated in his concepts and also in much of his work and writing. Jungs own life was quite colorful, his marriage to Emma Rauschenbach and his affair with Toni Wolff who was a therapist working with him was a scandal that created waves in his academic and personal life. His own spell of psychological breakdown which lasted about 6 years led him to a deeper analysis of the psyche and also contributed to his ideas and thoughts in the later years. Collective and Personal Unconscious Jungs methods in Analytical Psychology were developed from Freuds concepts. He did agree to the idea of Libido being the driving force behind all actions, but he refused to agree that it constitutes only sexual energy. In addition to the Ego, he also talked about two types of unconscious being a part of the psyche- collective and personal. He explained the collective unconscious as being derived from years of experiences and something that has been acquired across a vast line of ancestors, which is common to all human beings. He derived this by advocating the idea that certain common themes or symbols have existed across cultures and in every individual which comprised what he called archetypes of the collective unconscious. The more active part of the psyche was believed to be the personal unconscious. He believed that the psyche operated on three mina principles which were: The principle of opposites: In every psyche there is an energy flowing from contrasting desires. The principle of equivalence: There is energy that is equally available to both desires, one is fulfilled and the unfulfilled one must be acknowledged for balance and growth. The principle of entropy: Much like in physics, the psyche also had a concept wherein the opposing poles that create this energy become less contrasting as we age leading to a more stable personality. Archetypes: Jung described and listed various archetypes that constitute the psyche and personality of an individual. These included the Persona, the self, the anima, the animus and the shadow to name a few. The persona refers to those masks we wear which allow us to act differently according to the constraints and expectations of society and individual situations. The persona is not simply a mask but also defines how an individual connects to others and fulfils the roles and responsibilities conferred upon them on various occasions. The self is the true nature and propensities of the individual; it is believed to be the archetype of the psyche that is believed to be the main cause of wholeness and centrality. Jung believed the self to be the area that could lead to a reconciliation, acceptance and awareness of the opposing nature and forces that are constantly creating a struggle in the individual. When a person has acquired proper understanding and has come to terms with the many opposites or polarities of their nature, then they are growing closer to the process of complete understanding. Such a realization and acceptance of the self is what led to the greats like Buddha, Jesus and others to transcend their daily realities and be in tune with the life around them on a higher level. The Anima was the feminine side or instincts that may occur in a male while animus was the male side that is seen in females. The Animus was the masculine side that is there in females and it would define how women relate to males around them. The projection of the anima is what Jung believed decided the kind of woman a man would fall in love with. Too much anima in a man can lead to effeminate habits while in a woman a greater expression of animus contributed to predominantly male traits such as aggression, dominance and so on. The shadow refers to what in laymans terms would be called the dark side. It consists of all those repressed urges and instincts; it is the inferior being who we do not allow out. It is a primitive, uncontrolled part of us that is almost animal like in its responses and urges. There is often a personification of the shadow that occurs in many cases. This is why sometimes we develop an unexplained dislike of some traits in others of other individuals. On exploration it may be found to be a certain habit or urge that we have locked away in us. Jung does not condemn the shadow in man; he does not believe it needs to be locked away. Just as commonly we would always suspect something that is too good to be true, man must live with his dark side, accept that there is the other side rather than live in the strain of denying its very existence. There are conflicts created when we strive to live with ideals and illusions of perfection creating an irritability and lack of acceptance in the ind ividuals. The danger of continually repressing the shadow is that it grows in strength in the unconscious until in one opportune moment it bursts out in a fit of uncontrollable rage and leads to many grave consequences. We can better relate to it when we think back to times when we said I dont know what came over me! Jungs archetypes were many more and he believed that there wasnt a fixed number to the different archetypes that are seen. There are many others seen and each of these contributes to the individual, his or her learning, understanding and functioning in the world around them. Complexes: Jung was also well known for his work on what he termed complexes and how a word association test was developed to draw out these complexes in individuals. He is said to have arrived at the idea of complexes form word association tests conducted while recording galvanic skin responses. Jung stated that a complex is a set of suppressed feelings and thoughts that will gather around a certain theme of the archetype. He said that complexes in themselves did not create neurosis. It is the reactions or behavior caused by the complexes that were problematic. Understanding their effects on behavior and acknowledging them was important for the process of growth and sell fulfillment. The ultimate goal of psychotherapy in Jungian analytics was individuation of the self by transcending the opposing energies. He arrived at the concept of Mandala which symbolized completion or wholeness and balance. Jung helped his patients to look at their lives from a religious, historical and spiritual point of view. Individuals were encouraged to question, explore their psyche beyond their ego or I and arrive at concepts rather than blindly following rules. Another interesting concept that Jung propagated was that of Synchronicity and Teleology. These were both derived from his study of mythology and his own exploration of parapsychology. Synchronicity refers to two events that occur coincidentally, have different causes or origins but are connected in a meaningful manner. Through teleology Jung spoke of how the past has bearing on the future by how it determines how we are led into the future by certain ideas we have about how it should be. Such esoteric and distinctive concepts are underlined and emphasized greatly in Jungian analytics which looks at weaving together psychology and spirituality in a manner of speaking. It is in this respect that he greatly differed from Freuds theories which were more carnal and expounded heavily on everything being driven by sexual desires. Psychological Types Jungian Analytics discusses various psychological types. Every individual has differences in temperament and perceptions that will make them see and react to situations differently. The primary distinction is based on attitude which can be classified as Extraverts and Introverts. Extroverts are said to have an outward flow of their energy or libido. The extravert responds highly to external stimuli, situations, people, objects and is comfortable with interactions, relations and external accomplishments. Being a loner or a social isolate is not suited to people with such temperaments. The opposing pole of this is the introvert who is more in tune with the internal processes in the psyche and thus more open to feelings, fantasies, dreaming. These individuals prefer the subjective realm of images and thoughts and will function better individually than in large groups and also when free from external pressure to conform to the environment. People belonging to both categories hold one another beneath themselves. Extroverts would feel introverts to be restricted and self centered. Introverts would feel extroverts to be opportunistic, shallow and hypocritical. In every individual both tendencies are present but in different degrees. For example an extrovert would ha ve underdeveloped introverted tendencies which can be seen in the form of depression. An additional insight was that people have different ways of perceiving the world which Jung classified into four categories. These included thinking, sensing, intuiting and feeling. Thinking: this involves individuals who take information into their system and evaluate, analyze and arrive at conclusions and ideas in a logical or rational manner. The thinker thus assesses and evaluates the raw information that he takes in from the outer and inner world. Sensing: Sensing individuals gather information about the inner and outer world around them by gathering the inputs through their senses. A sensing individual gets to know the world and perceives what is around him by listening to what he can hear and looking at information. Intuiting: Intuition is a level of perception that is beyond the usual level of consciousness, it involves putting together large amounts of information rather than what is just seen in the immediate environment. Feeling: Feeling is much like thinking but it involves weighing the emotional responses that are evoked to the information that is gathered by an individual. Each individual has each of these functions but uses them in different ways or to different degrees in their daily life. Jung sees the ideal to be the development of all of these functions even the opposite ones in the right degree to form a balanced individual. A personality typology was developed by Jung based on these particulars and these concepts were wildly popular and later developed into a type indicator by the mother daughter duo, Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. It came to be known as the Myers Briggs Type indicator. For those looking for a more religious and mystical perspective, Jungs theories brought a sense of fulfillment, something they could truly relate to.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Comparing four or more poems Essay

The world around you is full of relationships. Some good, some bad. A relationship can bring happiness and love whilst also bringing sadness and unpleasantness. Two people having emotional feeling for each other, sharing those feelings with comfort and pleasure, form a relationship. Many will say that a relationship is the best thing ever, whilst others may say it’s also the worst. When a relationship forms why does there always have to be a good and a bad part? One of the poems I have studied is ‘this be the verse’ by Philip Larkin. It is about a child blaming everything that has happened to him on his parents. Larkin has expressed his feelings for a relationship by using the bitter and brutal word ‘fuck’. He chooses these choices of words to shock the readers and members of his family. When the poem was write in 1960 the word ‘fuck’ would have been even more offensive than it is now. Ask yourself why call the poem ‘this be the verse’? Larkin uses the word ‘be’ to get his point across on relationships. Using the word ‘be’ makes his opinion a fixed thing. Larkin’s uses of language in this poem sets out the pessimistic image that your parents destroy you. You can tell that him and his parents have never really got along by the quote: ‘they fuck you up your mum and dad’. Larkin is applying that your parents mess you up when he states ‘they may not mean to but they do’. He also sets up the image of hatred by using the rhythm to bang in an effect of anger. The rhythm is bouncy and contracts with the message. Having said that it also depends on your mood when reading the poem. Larkin obviously had a disruptive childhood by the tone and the mood of his poem. ‘Add some extra just for you’. Larkin dents the ironic image by implying he is ashamed of his parents and their parents. The second verse sets up the impression that Larkin might have changed his mind about his parents as the first word is ‘but’. However I was wrong he carries on throughout the verse ‘slagging off’ his parents and grandparents by saying ‘by fools in old style hats and coats’. On verse three he still hasn’t changed his mind about his distraught childhood and his hatred towards his parents. ‘It deepens like a coastal shelf’ Larkin explains that his hurt and hatred built up and deepens more every time he got hurt. Larkin obviously cannot forget about this childhood and forgive his parents for the way he has turned out. He states ‘get out as early as you can’. Larkin gets the impression across the only way to stop you tuning out like you family is to kill yourself. ‘This be the verse’ is a misanthropic poem. Does this mean that Philip Larkin agrees with Sartre, that hell is other people? My opinion towards this poem is that the poet, Philip Larkin is cruel and bitter towards his parents. He gives off the impression very clearly that he has no respect for his parents and grandparents what so ever. And it is very clear that he is not willing to forgive his parents for the way in which he has turned out. However his opinion is different than mine. I feel that the way you turn out has some effect on your parents. However most of it is up to you, by the way you choose to dot things and the way you choose to learn from your mistakes yourself. Another poem I have chosen to study is called ‘the sick equation’ written by Brian Patten. What is a healthy equation? One that works, that provides an answer. Patten is implying that the ‘sick equation’ is one that doesn’t work. Signifying that his parents don’t work well together. At the beginning of each poem ‘this be the verse’ and ‘the sick equation’ they both have a point of comparison. Both poets bring the image across that a relationship is a fixed and bad thing by Patten using ‘absolute’ and Larkin using ‘be’. Are both poets establishing the same message? Patten’s poem talks about the difference at home and school. ‘In school I learned that one and one made two and could have been engraved in stone, an absolute I could not question or refute’. Patten gives out the impression that at school everything has an answer however at home nothing adds up. He the goes on to use the ironic message ‘but home sweet home’ he uses irony to get the message across that he doesn’t care. I feel using irony has more of an impact that not using it. In the second verse Patten uses the strong word ‘raw’. He describes that he is feeling hurt and the hatred towards his parents has grown strongly. ‘In that raw cocoon of parental hate’. ‘I came to believe how it was best that one remained one, for two, one at least would suffer so’. Here Patten explains that for the best its better to keep yourself to yourself, as if you are to become committed at least one of you would hurt. He objects with his mum and dad being together as one of them is always hurting. In the second verse Patten is applying that he had love but let it go by the comment ‘believing this I threw away so many gifts- I never let love stay enough to take to take root, but by thinking myself of too little worth I crushed all its messengers. His parents have let love go for him, they have spoiled love for him, the way his mum and dad acted towards each other impacted into Patten that love is not a good thing. He goes on to stay ‘I grew-or did not grow-and kept my head down low, and drifted with the crowd’. Even though he grew on the outside in height he still remained immature on the inside. ‘I stayed apart, stayed one claiming separateness was out of choice, and at every wedding ceremony I saw the shadow albatross- divorce- fall over groom and bride’. By saying this it implied that for some time that Patten never had the courage to have a full time relationship, as he was scared that the same might happen to him that happened to his parents. It feels that Patten sees a divorce at the beginning of a wedding. In the final verse Patten states that he can’t blame his parents for the way he turned out. (Unlike Larkin) he explains to the reader that he can’t judge everyone for the way they are or that way they have been brought up. He changes his opinion on his parents towards the end of the poem. Its absurd to believe all others are as damaged as we’, ‘the lesson that our parents taught’ he clearly feels he cannot blame his family for what had happened to him now and in the past. He can forgive and forget, unlike Larkin. Unlike Larkin, Patten chooses to only highlight the positive side of a relationship. Pattens choice of words hammer to message into the head that not all relationships are bad, just because he had a bad experience he learnt that you will always be able to love someone. The language he uses relates to his loneliness and hurt in his past. He expresses his hurtful past through his poetry. Another poem I looked at is ‘looking for dad’ again by Brain Patten. You can guess what Patten is going to talk about before reading it for yourself. His dad. The poem is about a boy who thinks his dad has ran away because he hadn’t tided his room, when really it was just another relationship ending disruptly. The poem is set out from the others, when you look at a poem the first thing you will notice is the fact is has verses. ‘Looking for dad’ is all joint together without any verses.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Digging Gold Essay

Abstract This paper will discuss â€Å"Digging gold† case in detail and provide answers to various questions that arose after studying the case. This research will answer to :the types of pollutions that are generated by the gold mining companies, pollution effect on the environment, governmental regulations that would address the pollution problem, role of NGO’S (Non-governmental organizations) and citizens to reduce environmental effects of gold mining, and the companies who are less or more environmentally responsible. Generally, Gold mining is the process of mining gold from the ground. Keywords: Environment, Digging gold, pollution, responsible Gold is one of the most attractive and a highly valuable metal, known for decades. Gold is used in number of fields such as jewelry, dentistry, modern technological applications, in computer chips, lens surfaces, investments, setting currency value and so on.(R. James Weick, 1994).Gold is found widespread in various natural substances such as, sea water, earth’s crust, sedimentary rocks rivers etc. However,† its overall concentration is very low (about 5 milligrams per ton of rock), rich concentrations of gold, forming ore deposits, are known n throughout the world.†(Dr. Bill Birch). Gold mostly exist with other metals. such as lead, zinc, silver or copper and sometimes found free in nature. Gold takes place in variety of forms such as: wire gold, nail gold, mustard gold , paint gold, disseminated, irregular grains, scales, plates and vein lets with microscopic dimensions, and as larger compact, reticulated, spongy or hackly masses or slugs.(Dr. Bill Birch). So Gold mining is the process of mining gold ores from the ground. It is done in two types: Open pit mining and underground mining. Gold Extraction procss TYPES OF POLLUTION GENERATED BY GOLD MINING Under the classification system presented in the section â€Å"Major Areas of Environmental Regulation† three pollution types are described, such as Air pollution, Land pollution and Water pollution. All these three pollutions are generated by the gold mining companies. Their effect on environment is discussed below: Air pollution: When pollutants are not diluted properly and are emitted into the atmosphere, called air pollution. The process used to extract metal, release very harmful toxins that cause pollution such as: Lead, Sulfur, Nitrogen, Mercury, Zinc, Cadmium, and Uranium. These toxins can result in number of diseases to workers and the local people. The inhalation of such toxins may cause impaired vision, muscle weakness, kidney damage, nerve damage, anemia, metal fume fever etc. (No dirty gold campaign). According to the US Toxics Release Inventory, the metal mining industry in the United States contributed the following, in 2010: * 92% of industrial mercury emission s * 94% of industrial arsenic emissions * 73% of known Carcinogenic waste Water pollution: Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged into water bodies without the proper treatment to remove harmful compounds from water. Acid mine drainage, metal contamination, increased levels in streams are the major problems caused by mining to water. These problems affects domestic water supply, irrigation, swimming, fisheries, living organisms ,drinking and various other uses of streams. Acid rain ,caused by iron sulfide that mix with air and water, severe pollution hazard to ground water, surrounding soil and the surface water. (Pollution- issues- mining). Land pollution: Land pollution means damage to land in any form; such as, erosion, formation of sinkholes, deforestation, biodiversity loss, contamination of soil etc. (Wikipedia). Mining needs to clear a large part of the land to be dig, which means that area, can be created by harming vegetation and cutting trees. The chemicals used during mining process are leaked into the land that affect to land. The basic necessities of a living organism are land, water and air. If any  of these is affected, it creates problem for an organism. From above description on pollution effects on environment shows that all three are damaging to the environment equally. But the most endangering is the water pollution because Governmental regulation that effectively concerns the problem: The three alternative approaches discussed in the textbook to address the pollution problems are: Environmental problems, Market based Mechanisms, information disclosure, civil and criminal enforcement. Among these four approaches, information disclosure approach is more effective in case of mining industries to control environment pollution. Reasons in favor of Information Disclosure approach: Under this approach firms are encourage by the government to pollute less by providing information about the amount of pollutant individual companies emit. The various acts like SARA- right to know law and TRI-Toxics Release Inventory provide information to the public, relating to the environment loss lead by a certain company. This approach is effective because no company wants to be criticized and embarrassed in the public. Role of NGO’S and citizens movements The citizen movements and NGO’s can play a vital in reducing the adverse environment effects of the mining companies. The case mention three types of NGO and citizens movements started to reduce the adverse environmental effects of gold mining companies. First is the Romanian citizen’s group called Alburnus Maiors that was initiated by the local farmer and the activist to block the construction of a new gold mine? Second, The Newmont Mining Company was sued by the villagers of Peru, after they were hurt by the mercury spill by a truck. Third, â€Å"No Dirty Gold† campaign was initiated by the Earthworks that were aimed for the jewelry retailers. (Lawrence & Weber, 2014). More and Less environmentally responsible companies Number of companies is mentioned in the case, for example Kennecott,  Tiffany, Canyon Resources and Free port McMoran. More responsible companies: Among these companies, Kennecott and Tiffany are more responsible companies because Kennecott had made a public commitment to sustainability whereas Tiffany had made concern about its public image. Less responsible companies: The companies that are less responsible are Canyon Resources and Freeport Mc Moran in Indonesia. The reason that makes Canyon Resources, less responsible is that it uses destructive methods to extract gold when citizens voted to ban cyanide heap-leach mining. Freeport Mc Moran in Indonesia appears to be doing business with weak environmental laws and enforcement. Conclusion Gold digging and extraction process have a number of effects on environment. â€Å"Gold mining is one of the most environmentally destructive industries in the world.† (Lawrence & Weber, 2014). Following is the list and effects of pollution on environment. References 1. R., James Weick. (1994). Natural Resources: Government of Newfoundland and Labrador- Canada. Geological Survey: Gold Occurrences. 2. Dr. Birch, Bill. Geology of Gold: Formation of Gold: Museum Victoria. 3. Prof. Kakharov, Abrol. (2013).Gold Extraction Process: Diagram. 4. Lawrence, A. & Weber, J. Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy (14th Ed.) Managing Environmental Issues. McGraw Hill. 5. No DirtyGoldCampaign:AirImpact. 6. Wikipedia: Environmental Impact of Mining. 7. Mining: Pollution Issues.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cause And Effect Of My Depression - 1337 Words

In college, I started off pretty much like everyone else. At first, I felt confident and ready. I felt Confident that I was going to succeed in all of my assignments, wake up with determination, and not make bad choices. I felt ready for the long hours of writing papers, finishing homework, and studying for exams. After the first semester, I realized that things are easier being said than done. Before long, assignments were piling up, due dates were near, and my stress levels were out the roof. The cause that led to my downfall in college was none other than depression. My depression has affected my academic life by causing me to procrastinate, which led to my lack of motivation, resulting in my poor performance in college. This Depression is hindering my daily routine, both at home and in school. It is an emotional illness, which occurs internally, but it can also effect a person’s physical activity. For instance, I am no longer energetic as I used to be. I stay in bed for lo ng periods of time during the afternoon. I wake up early to go to school, then I come home and take a nap on the couch; which is basically my daily routine. Instead of going outside and exercising like I used to do, I spend the majority of the day watching television. It is not because I do not have time to go outside and exercise, it is because I do not possess the inner strength that would lift me up from the couch and onto my feet. I don t even go out like I used to anymore! One of the reasons whyShow MoreRelatedConquering Mental Illness Depression Essays986 Words   |  4 PagesDepression is a serious issue that countless people struggle with; therefore the majority of physicians and doctors try to develop drugs, or new counselling techniques to help defeat this terrible foe, but perhaps neither of these solutions are the answer to defeating depression once and for all. Pam Houston suggests another solution in her short story â€Å"A Blizzard under Blue Sky†. 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